Entrepreneurs history in ancient age – Information Age

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Entrepreneurs history in ancient age – Information Age

Information Age

It’s incredible to see how much has changed in the world since the 19th century, from steam-powered printing to centralized electricity, the telegraph to telephone, abundant coal to cheap oil and locomotives to automotives. We’ve acquired big advancements from cars and planes in the industrial age to refrigerators, computers, and the internet at the turn of the twentieth century, while many internationally prominent businesses have influenced our way of life.

World Wide Web
Credit: Suroiranga - Information Age stages

The Information Age is the idea that information access is the defining characteristic of this current era in human civilization. Entrepreneurs had to spend a lot of time looking for information through books, newspapers and radios before the internet. However, information might be not enough. The invention of World Wide Web empowered people to connect and share information instantly and over vast distances, allowing more individuals and businesses to engage in the economy, regardless of their location. It enabled businesses to scan for opportunities or investors, competitors’ knowledge; update on business news environment, making it easier for entrepreneurs to catch up with global market trends.  The entrepreneurs are entering into an information era in this age.

Timeline of Information Age entrepreneurs

Source: Web History Timeline | Pew Research Center

1994/1995 – Yahoo, first search engine founded by entrepreneurs Jerry Yang and David Filo.

1995 – Jeff Bezos, e-commerce pioneer entrepreneur, billed Amazon itself as the “Earth’s biggest bookstores”.

1995 – Pierre Morad Omidyar, a 28 years old technology entrepreneur by that time founded Ebay. (Originally known as “AuctionWeb”)

1996 – First Nokia mobile phone has about 77% online users send or receive emails.

1997 – Google, now the world’s most popular search engine. Sergey Brin and Larry Page, both computer scientists and entrepreneurs, revolutionized the way we navigate and access information on the internet. 

Information Age = Age of entrepreneurship
Age of Entrepreneurship

The Information Age is referred as the Age of entrepreneurship. Moving forward to the twentieth century, Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and Apple now consume the majority of our time. You realised as the time progress, entrepreneurial behaviour conform to the information technology environment quickly. Entrepreneurs can now easily start a business than before thanks to the low cost of doing so through the internet. It eliminates logistical barriers, with greater flexibility and simplifies complex business processes, enabling more effective communication to serve both existing and potential customers without the need for support personnel. With a plethora of resources on the internet, corporate ventures become dynamic and keep up with the changing world.

New Information Age

Every era plays a part, from the agricultural age to Information Age. We would not be where we are today if it weren’t for the knowledge and discoveries of those from the past. The past has shape our present and will continue to shape our future.

This period is known as the Information Age because it provides instant access to knowledge that was previously difficult to obtain. I believed we have advanced well beyond this; we’re at the beginning of a new era: the New Information Age, also known as the Digitalization Age. 

1 thought on “Entrepreneurs history in ancient age – Information Age”

  1. Zhou wei xian

    I have learnt from the article that we have entered the Digitalization age because knowledge are obtained easily .

    The insights I gained are entrepreneurship eliminates logistical barriers, with greater flexibility and simplifies complex business processes, enabling more effective communication to serve both existing and potential customers without the need for support personnel during this era .


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