Entrepreneurs history in ancient age – Agricultural Age

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Entrepreneurs history in ancient age -Agricultural Age

Agricultural age
Crops growing

You’re probably familiar of how humans began to domesticate plants and animals during the Agricultural Revolution. Human populations could stay stationary in one location and farm the land while they enhance each of their specializations. Instead of roaming, foraging, and hunting for food throughout different regions throughout the year, they could remain stationary in one location and farm the land.

This was a fundamental shift in human history, villages and towns start to emerge. Everyone in the community didn’t need to be actively involved in food production any longer. People didn’t need to spend all day hunting and gathering for their own sustenance – it was more efficient to delegate a smaller number of farmers for food production while the rest of the population concentrated on other tasks.

The beginning of entrepreneurship

Agripreneurs include farmers, beekeepers, and fishermen, to name a few. Agripreneurship is the term for agricultural entrepreneurship. They encompassed the ability to take risks, prosper, and profit, just as entrepreneurs do. They made a living by calculating their exposure to risk on the changing environment. Deciding on what they will produce, nurture or breed and manage their harvest through the seasons and finally selling or trading it in the marketplace. Agripreneurs produce food for their families while also selling a small portion of their goods to a variety of markets, thus increasing retail sales. They, like an entrepreneur, they generate employment in remote areas and promises to improve the quality of lives of families and individuals. Furthermore, accelerate the progress on rural development. 

Transformation of entrepreneurship

When they watched their lives change as their specialization skills improved over time, important advances took place. Agripreneurs must deal with the country’s commercialization, as well as other suppressive factors such as the decline in land size, population growth and reconstruction operations in this age. In order to keep pace with time, more income is needed to meet the needs of farming families and their demands for better medical care, education, and transportation.

Barter Trade 
Barter Trade
Money system

Entrepreneur thinks out of the box, individuals excelling at each of their task such as, farming, hunting and clothing-making, agripreneurship shifts from labour work of self-sufficiency to exchanging goods and services in benefits for all – Barter trade. Humans begin established permanent settlement, and further honing specialized skills such as carpentry, tool-making and pottery, among others. Animals expanded trade convoy between civilization and trading of goods and ideas.

Money system

However, for some, this primitive form of barter trading poses a problem. In order for a trade to be successful, the other party must want what you’re offering. As a result, this supply and demands needs give rise to a money system – an accepted medium. Argipreneurs introduce new ideas (money system) to promote efficiency which quickly expands a long distance goods transaction.

Some of the popular trade routes at that time include:  

– Trading rice from China across Asia,

– Trading salt from African across the Roman Empire,

– Trading coffee, lemon and oranges from Arabia to Europe.

On these international trading routes, this has made entrepreneurs extremely wealthy. Of course, trade routes were for more than just raw resources and goods. Entrepreneurs are the innovator, spreading ideas across the world too.

Beginning of the Industrial age
The Industrial Revolution

The world will soon see that innovation could improve people’s lives, and that efficiency could lead to a better standard of living. It paved the way for potential entrepreneurs to capitalize on growing trends through innovation. The industrial age began in 1712 and pistons were introduced to improve the efficiency of movement rather than the movement of muscle strength.

The concept of mass production and economies of scale emerged as a result of the Industrial Revolution. Henry Ford, one of the most influential entrepreneurs of his day, invented automobiles. Man was liberated from the limitations of muscle strength thanks to the combination of energy and engine. Thomas Edison, a business entrepreneur once said “Vision without execution is just hallucination.” We lit up the night with his belief. Entrepreneurs of various ages envision a shift in humanity. They see it and act on it.

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  1. Pingback: Entrepreneurs history in ancient age - Industrial Age - EntreAspirantz

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