A.S.K – Attitude. Skill. Knowledge
Entrepreneurship entails far more than starting a business, being your own boss, converting ideas into revenue; or being socially responsible. Entrepreneurship is divided into three categories: attitudes, skills and knowledge, abbreviated as ASK.

Entrepreneurship is an attitude; it represents how you think and act. It is no longer a commercial word; for an increasing number of people, it is a way of life. It is a never-ending surge of adrenaline that develops into a strong addiction. An entrepreneur’s attitude is shaped by his or her environment.
Attitude is one of the most important factors because while knowledge and skills go a long way, attitude is what keeps you going. Attitude can also determine your level of enthusiasm, which is another key factor for entrepreneur in staying motivated.
In terms of ASK, attitude is the most challenging element as it is difficult to alter and assess one’s attitude in any given scenario. Also, it is challenging to measure the amount of attitude change that occurs as a result of education or training. This is why we need to understand how much our beliefs influence our actions and how much we can modify them.
An important factor to consider when thinking about your attitude is that it isn’t necessarily about having a “good” or “bad” attitude, but how your awareness of your own outlook and state-of-mind on a given task influences your performance.
Is Attitude more important among Skill and Knowledge?
A highly skilled labor with handful of knowledge in the domain of work with a poor and declining attitude would invest his time and energy in finding the problems at the work and would always deviate away from the solutions, thereby creating an environment of dissatisfaction in and around him which will contaminate his organizational habitat.
Any individual with a positive approach and attitude will always find out solutions for every problem which he or she encounters in the way of learning and will emerge out more knowledgeable by acquiring the targeted skills and knowledge.
‘’If you don’t have skills, it can be acquired. If you don’t have knowledge, it can be gained. But, if you don’t have positive attitude, you are in trouble.’’
How to cultivate a positive mental attitude?
Stay aware of your thoughts and cultivate your mental attitude by practicing activities that boost your self-esteem and promote your well-being. You can try meditation; exercise, healthy eating, or you can donate your time to a good cause. Create relaxing spaces for you to work in and surround yourself with positive influences.
Attitude, Skill and Knowledge are the key components which makes a successful personality. Skill and knowledge are something which may always be learned in the classroom, but attitude is something that comes from within and must be cultivated by the individual himself/herself. A person with a perfect mix of Attitude, Skill and Knowledge is always on the right path and is all set to achieve success.